Is Cinnamon Safe?
When consumed as part of a normal diet, cinnamon is safe and not associated with adverse side effects. However, like many spices and herbs, taking higher doses of cinnamon in supplement form can cause side effects and isn’t safe for everyone.
Cassia cinnamon contains high levels of a compound called coumarin, which can be toxic to the liver and cause health risks when consumed in high doses on a regular basis. While most cassia cinnamon products don’t contain enough coumarin to harm health, experts recommend people with liver disease avoid taking high-dose cassia cinnamon products, like cinnamon supplements.
Cassia cinnamon contains up to 1% coumarin, whereas ceylon cinnamon contains about 0.004%.
The tolerable daily intake (TDI) for coumarin is 0.1 mg per kilogram per day. Consuming more than that could harm health.
Cinnamon supplements that contain high doses of cinnamon may also be unsafe for people who are pregnant or breastfeeding. There is not enough research on the effects of cinnamon supplements for these groups.
Can You Take Too Much Cinnamon?
The amount of cinnamon found in food is generally safe. However, taking high doses of cassia cinnamon supplements could negatively impact health due to its high levels of coumarin.
One teaspoon of cassia cinnamon may contain 7 to 18 mg of coumarin. The tolerable daily intake for coumarin is 0.1 mg per kilogram per day, which equates to about 7 mg for a 150-pound person.
Ingesting more than 50 mg of coumarin daily can lead to hepatotoxicity, or injury to the liver. While it’s unlikely you would ingest this much coumarin through cinnamon, it’s best avoid consuming very high amounts of cassia cinnamon. People with conditions relating to the liver may be more sensitive to smaller amounts.
If you take too much cinnamon, you may experience sweating, heavy breathing, and a rapid heart beat. Contact your healthcare provider immediately if you experience these symptoms after taking a cinnamon supplement.
Cinnamon is a generally well known flavor. Notwithstanding, assuming consumed in overabundance, it might make aftereffects due its coumarin content. At times, it can cause liver harm or trigger a hypersensitive response. Cinnamon is a zest produced using the internal bark of the Cinnamomum tree. It’s generally well known and has been connected with medical advantages like better glucose control and bringing down of some gamble factors for coronary illness.
Frequently Asked Questions About Cinnamon

What are the health benefits of cinnamon?
- Improve heart health
- Oral health
- Skin benefits
- Digestive health
- Brain function
- Weight management
What cinnamon do you prefer?
- Ceylon cinnamon is viewed as of greater and has a better, more fragile flavor contrasted with Cassia cinnamon. It likewise contains lower levels of coumarin, a compound that can be hurtful in huge portions.
Is cinnamon OK to take daily?
- Indeed, cinnamon is for the most part protected to take day to day in moderate sums. Nonetheless, unnecessary utilization might prompt medical problems, so involving it with some restraint as a component of a reasonable diet is fundamental.
Is cinnamon safe for kidneys?
- Cinnamon is generally safe for kidneys when consumed in moderate amounts as part of a healthy diet.
What does cinnamon do to your body?
- Blood sugar regulation
- Digestive support
- Brain health
- weight management
- Antioxidant properties
- Antimicrobial benefits
Does cinnamon reduce belly fat?
- While cinnamon is definitely not an enchanted answer for diminishing stomach fat, it might have a few likely advantages for weight the board. Cinnamon can assist with further developing digestion, direct glucose levels, and lessen desires, which could by implication add to weight reduction, including fat around the mid-region. Nonetheless, consolidating cinnamon utilization with a solid eating regimen and normal activity for ideal results is fundamental.
What is the best time to eat cinnamon?
- The best time to eat cinnamon is generally with meals or snacks ,as it can assist with controlling glucose levels and help in absorption. Be that as it may, there is no particular best time as it very well may be integrated into different dishes and refreshments over the course of the day in light of individual inclination and dietary propensities.