6 Amazing Yoga Techniques to Reduce Stress and Anxiety

6 Amazing Yoga Techniques to Reduce Stress and Anxiety

Yoga is an all encompassing practice that began in old India and has acquired far reaching prominence around the world. It envelops actual stances (asanas), breathing strategies (pranayama), contemplation, and moral rules, all pointed toward encouraging a joining between psyche, body, and soul. “Yoga” itself implies association or association, featuring its accentuation on accomplishing congruity and … Read more

Best Yoga Practices That Improve Your Mental Health

Best Yoga Practices That Improve Your Mental Health

Yoga has long been recognized for its benefits to mental health, offering a holistic approach to managing stress, anxiety, depression, and overall mental well-being. Yoga is a holistic practice that originated in ancient India and has been practiced for thousands of years. It encompasses physical postures (asanas), breathing techniques (pranayama), meditation (dhyana), and ethical disciplines. … Read more

10 Essential Yoga Asanas One Should Try Daily

10 Essential Yoga Asanas One Should Try Daily

Yoga is an all encompassing practice that began in old India and has acquired far reaching prominence around the world. It envelops actual stances (asanas), breathing strategies (pranayama), contemplation, and moral rules, all pointed toward encouraging a joining between psyche, body, and soul. “Yoga” itself implies association or association, featuring its accentuation on accomplishing congruity and … Read more

Can Yoga Be Done After Eating ? 6 Branches And Amazing Health Benefits

Can Yoga Be Done After Eating ?

What is yoga ? Yoga is an old practice that includes actual stances, focus, and profound relaxing. The first mention of the word “yoga” appears in Rig Veda, a collection of ancient texts. Yoga comes from the Sanskrit word “yuj,” which means “union” or “to join.”Yoga can be followed back to northern India quite a … Read more

6 Yoga Poses To Help You Weight Lose Fast

6 Yoga Poses To Help You Weight Lose Fast

Yoga is an all encompassing practice that began in old India and has developed more than millennia. It includes actual stances (asanas), breath control (pranayama), reflection, and moral standards. “Yoga” itself implies association or association, alluding to the association of brain, body, and soul. Are Yoga Poses Good for Weight Loss? Health Benefits Of Yoga … Read more

Yoga : Types Of Yoga & Top 14 Amazing Health Benefits

YOGA : Types Of Yoga & Top 14 Amazing Health Benefits

What Is Yoga ? Yoga is an all encompassing practice that began in old India and has acquired far reaching prominence around the world. It envelops actual stances (asanas), breathing strategies (pranayama), contemplation, and moral rules, all pointed toward encouraging a joining between psyche, body, and soul. “Yoga” itself implies association or association, featuring its … Read more

Bhramari Pranayama : How To Practice and Top 10 Amazing Health Benefits

Bhramari Pranayama

Bhramari Pranayama, often referred to as “Bhramari Yoga,” is a breathing technique or pranayama in yoga. The word “Bhramari” comes from the Sanskrit word “Bhramar,” which means “bee.” This pranayama is named after the humming sound produced during the practice, which resembles the gentle buzzing of a bee. How To Practice Bhramari Pranayama Sit in … Read more

Kapalbhati Pranayama


Kapalbhati is a yogic breathing technique (pranayama) that involves rapid, forceful exhalations and passive inhalations. The term “Kapalbhati” is derived from two Sanskrit words: “Kapal,” meaning skull, and “Bhati,” meaning shining. The practice is believed to cleanse the lungs and energize the mind.  How To Practice Kapalbhati Sit Comfortably: Find a comfortable seated position. You … Read more

Anulom Vilom Pranayama : How To Practice And Its Top 10 Amazing Health Benefits

Anulom Vilom Pranayama

Anulom Vilom, also known as Nadi Shodhana or alternate nostril breathing, is a yogic breathing technique (pranayama) with various health benefits. The practice involves alternating the breath between the left and right nostrils, which is believed to balance the two hemispheres of the brain, calm the mind, and promote overall well-being. How To Practice Anulom … Read more